Community Shaper 2030 是一項社會創變活動,我們期望通過本次機會連繫香港青年,提升社會共融意識,並培養創變信心。透過參與論壇,設計思維工作坊,以及各項活動,我們希望青年社會企業家能積極發揮創新精神,勇於表達自己意見。
了解更多活動內容,請瀏覽以下網址: bit.ly/3gMSTXF
如有任何疑問,請電郵至 yusan.wong@ep-venture.com

Calling all young entrepreneurs aged 17 and above!
Community Shaper 2030 is a hackathon-based event that invites talented youths of Hong Kong to tackle problems and raise awareness regarding inclusion, innovation and various social issues.
Throughout the event, participants are expected to work in teams to come up with solutions and create a final proposal that will be presented to a panel of judges. The finalists will receive various benefits and opportunities, such as professional mentorship to further develop their ideas.
The event will feature:
– Design thinking workshops
– Short excursions
– Forums with guest speakers
To learn more about the event and register, please visit our website: bit.ly/3gMSTXF
If you have any enquiries, please contact us at yusan.wong@ep-venture.com
Join us and innovate for the future.
Check out our Instagram account @communityshaper !