

  • 通過交流達至多元文化理解,通過文化差異學習達至取長補短,以推動多元文化融會貫通,加深青年的文化自信及溝通能力。
  • 為青年及專業人士提供一個合作平台,增進各領域人士之間的交流、學習,從而達至共創的社會資本產生。
  • 為青年提供文化交流的機會,加深學習、創新思考、互相合作及思考開明的價值觀,拓寬文化視野,樹立更廣闊的世界觀。
  • 在我們未來領導者(青年們)之間發揚共創合作的概念,從而縮減不同文化之間的差異,建立多元共融的社會環境。
  • 加深不同文化背景的青年朋友之間的聯繫,宣揚獅子精神及了解互聯網時代的行業資訊,從而加深社會可持續的氛圍,構建一個更好的多元社會。

    China Hong Kong Culture Exchange Association is an NGO with the following aims:
  1. To enhance the relationship between regions through multi-cultural communication and understanding, which refers to strengthen cultural confidence and communication skills;
  2. To provide a collaborative and cooperative platform for professionals from different fields to improve communication, to get inspired from each other, then lead to a stage of co-creation for producing positive social capitals;
  3. To offer a window for people to be equipped with a deeper understanding of different culture, expand their horizons and establish inclusive world values through keep learning, think innovatively, work cooperatively and be open-minded;
  4. To promote a shared and co-created values and collaborated messages to the future leaders for shorten the gap among people from different cultural backgrounds and build an integrated society;
  5. To enhance connection among different people, advocate the notion of Lion Rock Spirit and solidarity in the era of Internet +, lay emphasis on sounder social atmosphere to contribute to building a better society.
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