[Inno Youth] Inno Youth Summer Forum – Event Highlights
- 2019-09-01 20:04
Inno Youth Summer Forum was done successfully on 29 August 2019 in Wan Chai.

Inno Youth forum is a platform aiming to gather Social Innovators; then, exchanging and sharing social innovative ideas together. This time, Inno Youth Forum was in a theme of “Power of Social Impacts”. Therefore, we invited different guest speakers from Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area to share about their projects that are generating social impacts or achieving sustainable development goals. Participants would learn more about social innovation, how project with impacts could help the society be more sustainable and inclusive; and most importantly, is to inspire more connection, cooperation and/or cocreaition between different parties.

We discussed couples of sub-themes in the forum: Green Management, Emerging Technologies, Technonlgies for health and inclusion, inclusion, land use and impact investment.

Keynote of Social Innovation
Dr. William Yu, Cheif Executive Officer, World Green Organisation

Inno Youth Sharing: iCYCLE (Upcycling)
Mr. Au Yong Tien Sing, Cheif Operating Officer at the Greater China,
iCYCLE Malaysia REsponsibilities

Insight of Emerging Technologies
Mr. Leo Hsu, Director of AI & Analytic on Fintech, Digital Risk Service, PwC China

Inno Youth Sharing: 信息无障碍项目 (Information Accessibility)
Ms. LuLu Wu (吴露露小姐), Operating Director | Mr. Merry Xie (谢晟先生), Technical Manager

Inno Youth Sharing: 盒家健康智慧养老解决方案 (Smart Medical Kit and Aging Technological Products)
Ms. Ruby Zhu (朱嘉怡小姐), Operating Director, 人人壮科技有限公司

Inno Youth Sharing: Inclusive Sports
Mr. Nelson Yip, MH, Director, Appetizup Co. Ltd.

Panel: Impact Investment & Social Innovation
Panellist from left:
Mr. Nelson Yip, MH, Directore of Appetizup Co. Ltd;
Dr. William Yu, Cheif Executive Officer, World Green Organisation;
Mr. Richard Chung, Chairman, Innovax Holdings Limited;
Mr. Thomson Ho, Co-Founder, 10 LIFE
Moderator: Ms. YoYo Yeung

Inno Youth Sharing: 10 LIFE (Insurance Information Platform)
Mr. Thomson Ho, Co-Founder, 10LIFE

Insight of Land Use (20万亩土地利用与交通一体规划 – 榆林)
Mr. Bruce Liu (刘纯先生), Chairman, 榆港文化交流促进会

Inno Youth Sharing: 乡兰亭食品
王垚先生, 陕西乡兰亭食品有限公司总经理
Volunteer Support:

AIESEC in Hong Kong Baptist University

Sir Edward Youde Scholar Association (SEYSA)
Hosts: Mr. Thomas Au | Ms. Kornkamon Potjamarnvimon
Unleash Foundation
Global Strategic Partner:
Angel Investment Foundation
BPW Hong Kong
EP Venture
Hong Kong Young Chief Officers’ Association
WaTT Connex
World Green Organisation
Yulin Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Association
We would love to share our gratitude to all our Global Strategic Partners, speakers, guests, volunteers and audiences to make the event such successful and wonderful. We are happy to see you all in January 2020 in Hangzhou.