China Hong Kong Culture Exchange Association is appreciated to be the supporting organization of the ESG Forum and INNOESG Prize Presentation 2019 held on 27 November 2019.

The event was in a theme of ESG Transformations in Economics and Society and deliberated the following themes:
- ESG Strategy Steam
- Change in Action Stream
- Recognising over 20 listed companies who have made a positive impact in the areas of ESG

Panel Discussion 1: Using Strategic Community Engagement Approach & Investment for Addressing Sustainable Society’s Needs
Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, President, UNESCO HK Association | Ms Donna Buckland, Management Committee, UNESCO HK Association
Mr Wilson Cheng, District Governor, Rotary District 3450 | Mr David Li, President, HK Independent Non-Executive Director Association
Mr Johnson Kong, Assistant Researcher, Our Hong Kong Foundation | Ms Chloe Mok, Director of Sustainability Strategy, Carbon Care Asia
Mr Nelson Yip, MH, CEO, Appetizup
Panel Discussion 2 Bridging the ESG Gap to Peace/Sustainability through UN SDG
Mr Joe Ho, Deputy District Rotaract Chair | Mrs Mitzi Leung, Co-Founder, UNESCO HK Association GPC
Mr Timmy Lee, MH, Immediate Past Supervisor, Steering Committee, Wofoo Leaders’ Network | Mr Tsan Siu, Co-Founder, Silence
Mr Alex Leung, Founder, Glocal Peace Cadet Corps | Ms Justine Zee Kwok, Founder, Flow Farm & Sanctuary
More Event Highlights: