中港文化交流促進會祝你新年快樂! |

【社會創新】JUMPSTARTER 2020環球創業盛典

JUMPSTARTER 是通往亞洲各地開展商機的門戶。匯聚全球企業家、創辦人和投資者 ,在香港發掘新機遇及無數的可能。
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2020 中港杭州文化考察之旅: 【杭州創科探索之旅】
杭州, 中國四大都市圈之一、電子商務中心、數字經濟時代領軍。
聯絡信息:如有查詢,請與本會黎小姐聯絡(電話:2791-5466 / 電郵:info@cultureexchange.hk)
【Professional Development】Building Young Talent Management Roadmap in Greater Bay Area

Choy’s Human Resource Consultancy Ltd. invited China Hong Kong Culture Exchange Association to be the co-organizer of the “Building Young Talent Management Roadmap in Greater Bay Area” Seminar on 12 December 2019 at the CityU SCOPE Admiralty Learning Center.
【Social Innovation】ESG Forum and INNOESG Prize Presentation 2019 on 27 November 2019

China Hong Kong Culture Exchange Association is appreciated to be the supporting organization of the ESG Forum and INNOESG Prize Presentation 2019 held on 27 November 2019. The event was in a theme of ESG transformations in Economics and Society and deliberated the following themes:
ESG Strategy Steam, Change in Action Stream, Recognising over 20 listed companies who have made a positive impact in the areas of ESG
中港文化交流促進會 | https://cultureexchange.hk
電郵:info@cultureexchange.hk / 電話:27915466 / 傳真:81484316
Email: info@cultureexchange.hk / Tel.: 27915466 / Fax: 81484316
Address: Room 907, Youth Square, No.238, Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
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